EN ISO 11612:2015 Protective clothing against heat and flame

EN ISO 11612 Heat and Fire protective clothing from Image Wear.

Protective clothing compliant with EN ISO 11612 standard protects against flames, radiant heat, molten aluminium and iron splashes, as well as contact heat. The EN ISO 11612 protective garment safeguards the user from brief exposure to flames and various short-term heat stresses, covering the entire body, from neck to ankles and wrists. The protective clothing can consist of a single garment such as overalls or multiple garments that must be worn together. To ensure full EN ISO 11612 protection, the head, neck, hands, and feet should be covered with approved protective gear.

EN ISO 11612 protective clothing is intended for users who need limited flame-resistant clothing and are exposed to radiant heat, flame, contact heat, or molten metal splashes. There are different protection levels for heat-resistant clothing. Level 1 indicates protection at a low-risk level, Level 2 indicates protection at a medium-risk level, Level 3 indicates protection at a high-risk level.

Instructions for using EN ISO 11612

Fireproof warning sweatshirt provides protection indoors - Image Wear

The EN ISO 11612 standard provides guidelines for protection against various sources of heat:

  • Flame spread (A), including material ignition, surface ignition (A1), and edge ignition (A2). There are three protection classes: A1, A2, (A1+A2), with (A1+A2) being the highest.
  • Flame contact (B), protection against convective heat, ranging from B1 to B3, with B3 being the highest.
  • Radiant heat (C), with four classes ranging from C1 to C4, with C4 being the highest.
  • Molten aluminium splash (D), with classes ranging from D1 to D3, with D3 being the highest.
  • Molten iron splash (E), with classes ranging from E1 to E3, with E3 being the highest.
  • Contact heat (F), with classes ranging from F1 to F3, with F3 being the highest.

The protection class is indicated on the product labelling, with the number next to the code indicating the protection level. During testing, the clothing material must not melt, form a hole larger than 5 mm, or allow the temperature rise above 24 ºC inside the fabric. The standard does not apply to firefighters' turnout gear or clothing intended for welding and similar tasks. 

The minimum protection is provided by protective clothing with EN ISO 11612 classes A1, B1, and C1.

  • A1: Surface of the fabric protects against small flame contact.
  • B1: Protection against flame contact.
  • C1: Protection against radiant heat.