Työvaatteiden kankaita leikataan Image Wearin Tampereen leikkaamossa, josta kangaspalat lähtevät sitten ompeluun tehtaallemme Narvaan.


Better working days for all of us

Sustainably together - every day

For us, sustainability means responsible, profitable business and the continuous development of our products, services and operating methods in cooperation with clients, subcontractors and suppliers. 

Image Wear
Sustainability goals

In our sustainability efforts we are effective, when we focus on things that matter: things, where our contribution is felt the most and with the best effect. 

Vihreä lehti, jonka päällä teksti: Huolehdimme tulevaisuudesta - Vastuullisuus on meille konkreettisia tekoja.

We care about the future - for us, sustainability means concrete action

Sustainability report

The purpose of our sustainability reporting is to increase the knowledge of our clients, partners and other stakeholders about our sustainability efforts and to inform them about our advances and new development areas in the reporting year. We published our first report in 2016. 

Read more about our advances

Sustainability partners

Partnerships are an important part of our sustainability effort. We believe that responsible business operations require our close cooperation with the key organizations of our field as well as with domestic and international experts. 

Read more about cooperation

Our operating principles

Our Code of Conduct is based on the operating principles of the UN Global Compact initiative. The Code of Conduct serves as the basis for the operations of our group in all business fields and defines the operating methods to which our personnel are committed. 

Read about our Code of Conduct
Carbon footprint

Our goal is to become carbon neutral in our operations by 2025. By our operations we mean our operations in Finland and our production in Estonia.

Image Wear Varoitustakkeja pinossa
Ensuring a long life-cycle for a product is

The best way to save the environment

Our products spring from years of professionalism, careful design and high-quality and wear-resistant materials developed specifically for workwear that, all combined, contribute to the longest possible life cycle of the workwear. Our products are manufactured with the environment in mind - we optimize the use of resources and utilize waste material. Easy-to-repair clothing and proper maintenance also extend the lifetime of workwear. This is the reason, why we develop services that keep our workwear in efficient use. By doubling the lifetime of a garment, we reduce climate emissions by 40%. 

Image Wear Narvan tehtaan ompelija kuvassa vaatevallankumous lapun kanssa: I made your Clothes!
Image Wear Tampereen toimipisteen malliompelimossa löytyy ompelulankoja useissa eri väreissä.

Recycling of old workwear

Kierre® service

Kierre® service is an innovative solution, whereby workwear that is at the end of its textile life cycle can be recycled into the raw material of durable and recyclable composite products. 

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Recycling clothes into a textile product

The textile from recycled and excess products can be utilized in new products without further processing. A jacket can be turned into a bag, for example, and a cardigan into a beanie 

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