Our operating principles

Image Wear Code of Conduct
Social responsibility, environmental protection, and fair cooperation are essential parts of our operations. We base our procedures in social responsibility and environmental protection on continuous improvement.
The Code of Conduct of Image Wear is based on the principles of the United Nations Global Compact initiative. The Code of Conduct (CoC) is the basis of the supplier cooperation, and it outlines the actions and behaviour our suppliers must commit to meet or exceed.
We have reviewed and updated our code of conduct in 2023. The update does not represent major changes in the requirements, but we have added more information on what different principles include and mean. Image Wear is a member of the amfori BSCI (Business Social Compliance Initiative) and we also require our suppliers to comply with the BSCI code of conduct.
Image Wear commits to the Code of Conduct principles through all our functions, and we require our business partners to cascade the information to the relevant business partners in the supply chain. This code of conduct or the amfori BSCI CoC-poster should be placed in a visible place in the workplace and translated into the language(s) of the employees.
Principle 1: General requirements
- Our main objective is to develop and sustain a stable and successful business. We have a duty of care towards our employees, business partners and the society.
- We adhere to the currently valid local rules and regulations and international covenants.
- We familiarize all our employees with the laws and regulations concerning their own work to ensure that everyone complies with applicable laws and regulations.
Principle 2: Child labor and forced labor (ILO 29, 105, 138 & 182)
and protection for young workers
- All work done at our premises/factory must be voluntary: no child labour or forced labour (including any form of servitude, bonded, indentured, trafficked or state-imposed forced labour).
- We do not employ, directly or indirectly, children below the minimum employment age or the local maximum age of compulsory schooling, whichever is higher.
- We adhere to international principles of responsible recruitment. At minimum,
- no recruitment fees and costs are charged to workers,
- clear and transparent employment contracts,
- freedom of movement and no retention of IDs,
- freedom to terminate contract, change employer, and safely return.
- We give special protection to young workers against conditions of work that are prejudicial to their health, safety, morals, and development.

Principle 3: Wages and benefits (ILO 12, 26, 101 & 131)
- We comply, as a minimum, with wages mandated by governments’ minimum wage legislation, or industry standards approved based on collective bargaining, whichever is higher. The wages shall refer to standard working hours.
- We assess the pay gap accurately, and work towards the payment of a living wage that is sufficient to afford a decent standard of living for the workers and their families.
- Wages must be paid in a timely manner, regularly, and fully in legal tender.
- Wage level must reflect the skills, responsibility, seniority, and education of workers.
- We treat all employees equally and ensure that workers of all genders and categories receive the same remuneration for equal jobs and qualifications.
Principle 4: Working hours (ILO 1 and 14)
- We ensure that employees’ total working hours do not exceed the local legal limitations or 48 regular hours per week, whichever is less.
- We ensure that employees’ possible overtime hours do not exceed the local legal limitations or 12 hours per week, whichever is less.
- Overtime work must be exceptional and always voluntary.
- Overtime work must always be agreed with the supervisor in advance and will be compensated in accordance with local legislation. Priority will be given to the use of flexible working hours in accordance with local legislation.
- We grant our workers the right to resting breaks every working day and the right to at least one day off in every seven days.
Principle 5: Discrimination, harassment, and abuse (ILO 100, 111, 143, 158, 159, 169 and 183)
- We respect human dignity and individuality, and we support a diverse work community, which means that we forbid all acts of discrimination, intimidation, and harassment.
- We do not discriminate or exclude persons based on sex, gender, age, religion, race, caste, birth, social background, disability, ethnic and national origin, nationality, membership in unions or any other legitimated organisations, political affiliation or opinions, sexual orientation, family responsibilities, marital status, pregnancy, diseases, or any other condition that could give rise to discrimination.
- We ensure that workers are not subject to any form of violence, harassment, and inhumane or degrading treatment in the workplace, as well as threats of violence and abuse, including corporal punishment, verbal, physical, sexual, economic, or psychological abuse, mental or physical coercion, or other forms of harassment or intimidation.
- We respect women’s rights. Pregnancy tests must not be demanded of employees nor potential employees, and pregnancy must not be a hindrance to gaining employment, nor a reason for dismissal.
Principle 6: Freedom of association and collective bargaining (ILO 87 & 98)
- We respect our employees' right to unionise under local legislation.
- We do not discriminate against workers because of trade union membership.
- We allow workers to freely elect their own representatives with whom the company can enter a dialogue about workplace issues in countries where trade union activity is unlawful or does not exist.
Principle 7: Health and Safety (ILO 155 and 184)
- We offer a safe, hygienic, and healthy working environment, and we are committed to continuously developing this, to eliminate and prevent risk of accidents and injuries.
- We comply with national occupational health and safety legislation, or with international standards where national legislation is weak or poorly enforced.
- Written health and safety rules and guidelines are available and in use in all our facilities.
- We provide access to safe and clean drinking water and eating and resting areas free of charge.
- We provide an adequate number of safe, separate toilets with adequate level of privacy for all genders, and paper towels and washbasins with hand soap in all work areas.
Principle 8: Ethical conduct
- We are committed to conducting our business in an honest and ethical manner.
- We are willing to openly discuss matters with anyone who our business affects.
- We conduct our business according to the currently valid competition legislation.
- We do not offer or accept any inappropriate payments or other compensation offered with the intention of conducting illegal, dishonest, or unethical business activities.
- We do not take part in any act of corruption, extortion, or embezzlement, nor in any form of bribery - including but not limited to - the promising, offering, giving, or accepting of any improper monetary or other incentive.
Principle 9: Environmental protection
- We comply with national environmental legislation, or with international standards where national legislation is weak or poorly enforced.
- We will identify the environmental impacts of our operations, improve material and resource efficiency, and by reducing waste and engaging in recycling and pollution prevention.
Principle 10: Transparency and subcontracting
- Suppliers must not subcontract out the production of Image Wear to third parties without written authorization from Image Wear Oy.
- Suppliers must allow Image Wear employees and their representatives full access to production facilities, employee records and employees for confidential interviews in connection with auditing and assessment visits.
- Image Wear has a whistleblowing channel for anonymous reporting of suspected misconduct. More information and guidance for making a Whistleblowing report is available on our website.
Quality responsibilities
- We manufacture the products according to Image Wear's instructions.
- We do internal quality audits to both work in process and finished goods before sending them to Image Wear.
- We agree to send quality proof samples from either the first production batch or each production batch – depending on the agreement made.